Focusing and Dreamwork

Embodied introspection for self-connection and transformation

“There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy.”

- Friedrich Nietzsche

Hello and welcome!

My name is Carrie. I offer guided Focusing and Dreamwork sessions to help people access deeper levels of self-connection, self-compassion and self-awareness. In strengthening this relationship to yourself, you’re able to engage the outer world with greater presence, empathy, courage, and clarity.


Focusing  is a powerful and gentle practice of learning to listen to the body’s “felt sense” for deeper insight, emotional healing and confirmation of your inner knowing. In Focusing, the felt sense is a subtle, unclear and elusive sensation in or around the body.  It’s preverbal, and it’s often hard to describe.  However, it shows up wanting your attention.  In giving it your attention, it  becomes clearer and you’re able to put words, emotion or imagery to it.   Making contact with the felt sense is like passing through a portal into the vast and rich world that resides within us. Here we encounter and get to know various aspects of ourselves that we are often unconscious to yet are running our lives in the outer world.  The practice of Focusing teaches you to meet these various parts with an attitude of openness, curiosity and acceptance and hold a bigger, expansive sense of YOU, as a sum of  all these parts.  Every part of you belongs and ultimately wants your well-being and understanding.  From this place of embodied  wholeness, shifts can occur.


I also guide people in dreamwork using a Focusing approach and active imagination. In this body-based approach to dreamwork,  you are the authority on your own dreams.  This is not a method of analysis or of extracting meanings from your dreams.  Instead,  this is an interactive method in which you get into relationship with a dream or dream aspect.   Dreamwork in this way is intimate and empowering.  It honors our dreams as living, breathing entities which show up for guidance, healing, and insight about our lives and the world at large.   Among the many  benefits  of Embodied Dreamwork are:  processing  of difficult emotions that often show up in dreams, finding creative solutions, enhancing intuition, or getting to know our inner lives more intimately.  

Ready to take a journey into your inner world?

"Our sessions make such a big difference in my life….Thank you for sharing your wonderful gifts with me. I am super grateful that you have always allowed me to show up just as I am and have created such a safe space for healing." 

- Diane C., Salt Lake City, Utah

“Through Focusing we can unlock doors and move into dimensions that cannot be entered through the intellect alone.”

— Eugene Gendlin